I've been playing around with CW Skimmer , again.  I'm 10 days in to
my "trial".  Previously I had tried it and gave up because I was not
too impressed with the CW decoding ability compared to that of
Multipsk ..  This time I have used it a bit more and learned more
about how to use it.  In combination with the reverse beacon network
(http://www.reversebeacon.net/) , plus some useful ways to use it with
Spotcollector and an SDR ,   I'm quite impressed with what can be
done.  Now I'm thinking maybe its time to develop something like a
Digital Skimmer.   PSK Reporter, and application specific things like
PSK "Broadband decoding" in Winwarbler, or  Superbrowser in DM780,  or
 "Panoramic" modes in Multipsk , come close ...but not quite.

To have an equivalent of CW Skimmer for digital modes , we would need
the following...

Ability to detect and decode all common digital modes via RS ID
Detection over a wide frequency range  10 kHz -200 Khz, multiple bands
at same time (with an SDR panadapter).  Multipsk can do some of this
Recognition of any "CQ de K3UK" type call
Placement of any  "QRL "  on waterfall or band map
Placement of any 5NN or 599 on waterfall or band map
Placement of detected  callsigns on the waterfall (some apps can do
this already) or on a band map
Mouse controlled narrowing/widening of the audio frequency range
played via PC speakers.
A web site to accept all these spots without maps (like
reversebeacons.net) that is searchable by call and band.  PSKreporter
is good but maps make it too resource dependent.  Hamspots would be
better suited.

The key would be the ability to integrate "skims"  with  one central
on line repository and the local Telnet server capability that CW
Skimmer has.


Heard by   Caller
WE4S    K3UK    3530.5  CQ      25 dB   23 wpm  0134z 10 Jan
N0XR-4  K3UK    7045.9  CQ      5 dB            23 wpm  0029z 10 Jan
N0XR-4  K3UK    7018.7  CQ      7 dB            23 wpm  2307z 09 Jan
N0XR-4  K3UK    7014.7  CQ      12 dB   23 wpm  2306z 09 Jan
N0XR-4  K3UK    7011.7  CQ      19 dB   23 wpm  2303z 09 Jan
K4TD    K3UK    7011.5  CQ      33 dB   23 wpm  2303z 09 Jan


de                  dx            freq         cq/dx       snr           speed  
LA5EKA  IZ4GSC  14005.0 CQ      15 dB   16 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
LA5EKA  OE4AAC  14028.0 CQ      37 dB   24 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
G0KTN   KM1CC   1822.5  CQ      8 dB            28 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
N4ZR    LA5HE   3501.6  CQ      16 dB   17 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
LA5EKA  I1GIS   7022.9  CQ      24 dB   18 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
LA5EKA  F5VV    14028.6 CQ      48 dB   27 wpm  0832z 11 Jan
K4TD    LA5HE   3501.5  CQ      7 dB            17 wpm  0832z 11 Jan

Just some thoughts

Andy K3UK

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