
I believe the author of AirLInk Express (KR1ST)  has abandoned that program.  
The AirLink Express  webpage has been "Under Construction" for several months 
now.  I used it briefly and it was indeed a nice and simple program.  Digipan 
is free and nice, so is HamScope.  My favorite, although not free, is MixW.  It 
does everything and is simple, not confusing or distracting like HRD or 
MulitPSK.   I use MixW with both my newer FT-2000 and my old Kenwood Twins.

73 Buddy WB4M
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Music Maker 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:07 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Which Digi Program ??

  Hello Happy Hams

  After returning to Amateur Radio after a very long absence, I am 'messing 
about' with digital modes - all of which are totally new to me, and at almost 
75 years of age,  my one very slow remaining braincell.

  I have downloaded and appraised all the programs I could find mainly for PSK 
31, that will work with my little M0AQC (Alan) Interface.

      All seem to have their own individual merits and de-merits.   MutltiPSK 
for example for its many supported modes - DigiPan or MixW for their 
simplicity.    But for facilities, information, sheer complexity (for me!)Ham 
Radio DeLuxe.  Sadly, it doesn't seem to integrate well with my aged but well 
loved Kenwood TS 520 SE !!

  However, the program that appeals to me the most at the moment (this may 
change as my experience and knowledge improves), is certainly Airlink Express - 
I rarely see any stations using this, and the numerical favourite on air seems 
to be MixW.

  There obviously can't be a program that is 'One size fits all' - but for me, 
not one of them has all the elements I want, without loads of features I don't 

  I would be very interested to hear what programs others use - particularly 
with 'Boat Anchor' Kenwood Transceivers (520, 530, 820, 830)

  For reference - and to save hunting around for Digi Software - I think most 
of it is available for download at this site -  

  I am at present writing up my experiences in detail on my 'Amateur Radio 
Blog'  on the Web Page at :-


  Kind regards and 73's to all from this white, windy and cold country called 
'England'.   'Global Warming' - I think not !!!  HI


  John  G3OBU


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