Hopefully you will here from a local ham.  If you do not, I may be able to
help, I have some experience in setting up a digikeyey with the Icom 7000
and Icom 746 Pro, I helped a ham in my area get all set for digimodes .

I would recommend that you start with  the DX Lab suite of applications.  I
recommend this not only because they are good, but also because the author
Dave AA6YQ is very responsive to any needs,  and Joe W4TV from Microham USA
also works effectively with Dave on such matters.  . DX Lab includes
Winwabler, this will give you RTTY and PSK only, but that is about 90% of
the digital mode activity.  If you eventually want to add other more exotic
modes, adding Multipsk would be logical because it seamlessly interfaces
with the DX Lab applications.

The game plan in such matters is to first get the Digikeyer device router
installed and talking to the program within DX Lab called Commander.
Commander will need to achieve two tasks, read the frequncy from your Icom
and toggle your Icom between transmit and receive when desired.  If that is
achieved, we are pretty much done. Then , when Commander is configured
correctly  we set-up Winwarbler.  Winwarblerd decodes RTTY and PSK.  and
seamlessly interfaces with Commander.  The set-up for someone who knows what
they are doing is less than 10 minutes.  Macros are fairly simple but take a
little time to customize , same with things like color schemes, etc.  The
souncard issues are taking care of by the Digikeyer because the sounccard is
part of the Digikeyer.  The set-up key factor is to point to the correct
audio "codec"

DX Lab Suite also includes DX Keeper, great logging software.

Windows Vista may be the challenge, I have no experience with that, a tiny
bit of experience with Windows 7.

Andy K3UK

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:37 PM, w0xs_mpls <w...@arrl.net> wrote:

> Having been inactive on the ham bands for a very long time I would like
> some help getting active on ditigal modes. RTTY was my favorite but I last
> worked stations on RTTY in the mid-1970's with a HAL TU and Model 28.
> I'll happily pay for help from someone who has the expertise to help me
> with my software and equipment.
> Icom IC-756PROII
> microHAM Digi Keyer
> 1 1/2 year old HP desktop with Vista but I have Windows 7 to install
> Logic8 logging software
> TRX Manager
> MixW version 2.19
> HRD software suite
> The help I need is to get my microHAM Digi Keyer working between my
> computer and PROII and to choose and set-up software for operating digital
> modes and for logging.
> I've tried on my own to get Logic8 and TRX manager to work with no luck. I
> had MixW working on my previous computer but not having much luck with this
> one.
> Advice I need would include which software (that I have or should get) is
> best for working digital modes, especially RTTY, and then help setting it up
> with macros.
> My e-mail is w...@comcast.net <w0xs%40comcast.net> if any local hams are
> interested in helping me out.
> Thanks!!

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