Rein PA0R wrote:

> What I don't understand is why NOBODY uses the pskmail arq 
> chat mode
> Why accept 5% error when you can have it 100% error free?

Patrick's ALE-400 FAE ARQ is another mode that falls into 
this category Rein. Like PSKMail, it sees little use as an 
ARQ chat mode.

A nice thing about ARQ besides the error-free throughput, is 
that there's no need wait for the other station to un-key in 
order to change the subject or inject a comment. Patrick's 
use of FAE (Fast Acknowledgment Exchange) allows for ACKS / 
NACKS every 6 to 7 seconds.

Another advantage of ARQ is that it can check for errors 
that occur as the band changes. With non-ARQ modes, data can 
be lost during long key downs and the sending station has no 
way of knowing that. With ARQ, the constant exchanges let 
the sending operator know if the data is getting through.

I wrote an ALE-400 chat mode guide for for the group some 
time ago and it seemed to catch on for a while (see below). 
A setup guide for PSKMail chat mode might help.

Tony -K2MO

Quick Start Guide For ALE-400


Multipsk Download Site :


Note. Do not install the program from the desktop. Copy the 
Multipsk ZIP file to a temporary folder and click the 
INSTALL.EXE file. By default, the program will be installed 
in the Multipsk folder.


The program should open the configuration screen on the 
first installation. If not, click CONFIGURATION located in 
the upper left corner of the main window and click 


Click SERIAL PORT to select your PTT COM PORT (or VOX)
Click OPTIONS FOR SERIAL PORTS (if additional settings are 
Click SOUND CARD INPUT / OUTPUT to configure your sound card
Click RX/TX SCREEN button to return to main window

Entering Your Personal Information:

In the upper left corner of the main window, click 
CONFIGURATION / PERSONAL DATA. Enter your call sign, name, 
locator and so on - click save.

RSID Management:

window. At the top of this window, click CONTINUOUS under 
DETECTION MODE. Click QUIT to return to the main program 

* Call sign and locator will be taken from the information 
previously entered in the PERSONAL DATA window. It is 
important to follow the setup sequence.

Reed Solomon Identifiers:

The RS ID buttons are located in the upper left side of the 
main program window just above the waterfall. These 
indentifiers will remain active once clicked. Unclick to 

RSID - this transmits the Reed Solomon mode identifier when 
clicked. It lets others know what mode you are transmitting. 
In ALE400, the Reed Solomon ID is automatically sent so this 
button stays in use.

RX RSID - when active, this button allows Multipsk to 
automatically switch modes upon RSID reception.

RX CALL ID - activates the reception of the CALL ID allowing 
you to see the other stations call sign and locator or CALL 
ID. It will appear inside the waterfall once decoded.

Sending the CALL ID

Clicking the CALL ID button (located on the far left of side 
of the main window) will SEND your CALL ID which is your 
call sign and locator. It will appear in the waterfall at 
the receiving station.

RSID Map Activation:

The Multipsk Map will automatically display upon the 
reception of the transmitting stations CALL ID and will show 
that stations location on the map.


Waterfall controls are located on the right side of the main 
window. Make sure WATERFALL / HIGH is clicked for best 
results. Adjust the waterfall color and contrast using the 
up/down COLOR buttons.


Font type, color and window size buttons are located on the 
bottom left of the main window. Click FONTS / HEIGHT to 
adjust to your preference.


Patrick has already configured the Multipsk macros. The user 
information for each macro is taken from the PERSONAL DATA 
where your call sign, name and locator are stored. If you'd 
like to customize the macros, right click on the macro 
buttons. Remember to click SAVE AND CLOSE when finished.

Using the ALE-400 ARQ FAE "CHAT MODE"

In the main window, click on ALE-400 mode (not 141A ALE) and 
the ARQ FAE button located in the middle of the window 
(buttons stay pushed in). The "official" 20 meter ALE-400 
calling frequency is 14074.0 DIAL. Offset it fixed at 

Click the CQ button next to ARQ FAE button to send a CQ. The 
CQ will go out as soon as the button is pressed; 
transmitting 6 seconds and listening for 7 seconds. To end 
the call, click the END button next to the CQ button.

Note - the CQ must finish before you can end the call.

Multipsk will connect automatically once the ALE-400 signal 
is detected by another station (ANSWER button must be 
clicked). The stations call sign will appear in the RX 
window confirming a connection. The PC speaker will BEEP to 
confirm the connection as well.

The ALE-400 ARQ Chat Mode QSO

The top window is where you enter your outgoing text. It 
will be transmitted as soon as the first character is typed 
unless the other station is transmitting. In that case, 
there will be a short wait period while receiving the signal 
before the TX/RX change-over.

Each Ham can type at the same time since the mode works like 
a pseudo "full-duplex" system. The middle window shows the 
text that has been received (acknowledged) by the other 

It is normal to see the same text repeated on occasion if 
signals are weak or the HF channel is disturbed. This is 
where the ARQ comes into play by requesting repeats for the 
missing data. The ALE-400 ARQ mode does 60 wpm unilateral 
and 85 wpm in a back-and-forth bilateral exchange (42 wpm 
each way). Bilateral operation begins when both stations 
type at the same time.

We have found that it is possible to 'force' collisions (for 
test purposes) with ALE-400 ARQ if you hit enter-to-send at 
the right moment, especially when signals are weak. This is 
where Patrick's RSID re-synchronization comes in handy. This 
feature is on the latest test version 

Calling a station with Selective calling

Selective calling allows you to call and connect to a 
specific station. To do this, you'll need to click the AUX 
FUNCTIONS button which is located in the middle of the main 
program window.

In the AUX FUNCTIONS window, enter the station call sign you 
wish to call in the SELECTIVE CALL IN ARQ FAE box and click 
the CALL button.

You'll know the connection is made when the PC speaker beeps 
and by the connect confirmation in the RX window. To end the 
contact, click the END button in the main window.

Sending Messages to the Radio Mailbox

Messages can be sent to the Multipsk Radio Mailbox while in 
chat mode. The station sending mail will still be able to 
copy incoming keyboard chat from the station receiving the 
message. Normal two-way keyboarding will automatically 
resume once the message completes.

To send a message to the Multipsk Radio Mailbox, click the 
AUX FUNCTIONS / FILE TO SEND and select the file. Click 

A watermark will show the message transfer time and progress 
as it's being sent. A one hundred word message will complete 
in just under 2 minutes. The time to send a message will 
increase if the HF channel is poor.

See links below for additional information on Multipsk and 
the ALE-400 ARQ FAE mode.

73, Tony -K2MO

General guides for ALE and ALE400 (ARQ FAE included) done by 

ALE and ALE400 easy with Multipsk:

The ARQ FAE beacon easy with Multipsk:

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