While I am not to first to test this, I am happy to have  MY first
success with Multipsk, an SDR, and RS ID.  Patrick should get a Nobel
prize for this, it will make digital mode hunting even better .

It works as advertised. Phil KA1GMN and I did a test.  I placed my
received on 18090 and Phil sent an RS ID (he was CQing) on 18100  As
you will see in http://www.obriensweb.com/phil.jpg  , the wider (48
khz wide) Multipsk  detected his RS ID , sent an audible "beep" to my
PC , and alerted me visually that an RS ID was detected up 10 kHz.
This could be very useful for bands like 20M where there is quite a
wide range of frequencies for the digital modes (14065 to 14109).

I finally did this by stealing my son's PC , just to test.  My Pentium
2.3 single core CPU would not handle the load, but my son's Pentium
single core 2.7 CPU did so, easily.  See
http://www.obriensweb.com/multipsksystem.jpg  for system info.

Thank you Patrick.  At the moment, Multipsk is the only application
that lets you feed wide I/Q data to it so that you can decode signals
wider than the normal audio bandwidth,

Andy K3UK

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