I have found it only around 14,109.
But like many many modes - it's not used much.

John, W0JAB

At 03:37 PM 2/19/2010, you wrote:
>Lately I've been playing around with MT63 at the 500 hz bandwidth. It was 
>just about the only digital mode that I had not experimented with since 
>getting on the digital modes in 2003.
>I've made some contacts around 3584 kc and 14074 kc. The band plans that I 
>see for 20 meters on the internet call for 14109 kc but I've seen no 
>activity there or on any of other band
>The question is where most is the MT63 activity at? Or is there any?
>73 & GUD DX,
>Thomas F. Giella, NZ4O

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