Interesting.  The "about" info reveals Mixw 2003.

I also found this

"G-TOR (Golay -TOR) is an FSK mode that offers a fast transfer rate compared to 
Pactor. It incorporates a data inter-leaving system that assists in minimizing 
the effects of atmospheric noise and has the ability to fix garbled data. G-tor 
tries to perform all transmissions at 300 baud but drops to 200 baud if 
difficulties are encountered and finally to 100 baud. (The protocol that 
brought back those good photos of Saturn and Jupiter from the Voyager space 
shots was devised by M.Golay and now adapted for ham radio use.) G-tor is found 
in only one manufacture's TNC and is rarely used today."

--- In, "sholtofish" <sho...@...> wrote:
> Came across this the other day:
> Looks like it's a sound card implementation of G-TOR?? Seems to have a 
> butterfly icon so something to do with MixW??
> Does it work?

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