You are right

De: Siegfried Jackstien <>
Enviado: jue,25 febrero, 2010 01:19
Asunto: AW: [digitalradio] ROS Advantage?

As i know it is about 2.5khz wide … so a “normal” ssb filter would work … but 
do not use a “narrow” ssb filter


Von:digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com ] Im 
Auftrag von jose alberto nieto ros
Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010 10:21
An: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com
Betreff: Re: [digitalradio] ROS Advantage?
You must configure your receiver without any king filter. ROS filter the signal 
better than the transceiver.



De:Ugo <ugo.dep...@me. com>
Para: " digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com " < digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com >
CC: " digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com " < digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com >
Enviado: mar,23 febrero, 2010 07:40
Asunto: Re: [digitalradio] ROS Advantage?

Hi All. 
Just a question, and please, be patient if I'm asking this...
I'm a SWL and I decoded ros in last days, but HOW MUCH is large its bandwidth ?
In other words, which is the minimun value of bandwidth enough to 
receive/decode ros ? 
Best regards and thanks in advance for any reply. 
73 de Ugo - SWL 1281/VE
(sent with iPhone)

Il giorno 22/feb/2010, alle ore 22.33, KH6TY <kh...@comcast. net> ha scritto:
>Hi Jose,
>Of course we start that way (using a SSB filter), but then a Pactor station 
>will come on, cover the upper fourth of the ROS signal, and decoding becomes 
>garbage until it leaves. With a more narrow mode, the Pactor station can just 
>be filtered out at IF frequencies and not affect either the AGC or the 
>decoding of something like MFSK16 or Olivia 16-500, as long as those signals 
>are sufficiently away from the Pactor signal (even if they are still within 
>the bandwidth of a ROS signal).
>In the case of CW stations, during the contest, they just appeared in the SSB 
>filter bandwidth, and therefore among the ROS tones, and some of those also 
>stopped decoding until they left.
>Let's say a MT63-500 signal appears at 2000 Hz tone frequency (i.e. covering 
>from 2000 to 2500 Hz) at the same signal strength as the ROS signal. Will ROS 
>stop decoding? If a MT-63-1000 signal appears at 1500 Hz tone frequency, will 
>ROS stop decoding? If this happens and there is a more narrowband signal like 
>MFSK16, for instance, covering from 500 Hz to 1000 Hz, the MFSK16 signal can 
>coexist with the MT63 signal unless the MT63 signal has captured the AGC and 
>cutting the gain. If it has, then passband tuning can cut out the MT63 signal, 
>leaving only the MFSK16 signal undisturbed and decoding. In other words, there 
>is less chance for an interfering signal to partially or completely cover a 
>more narrow signal that there is a much wider one, unless the wider one can 
>still decode with half or 25% of its tones covered up. The question posed is 
>how well ROS can handle QRM, and that is what I tried to see.
>If ROS can withstand half of its bandwidth covered with an interfering signal 
>and still decode properly then I cannot explain what I saw, but decoding 
>definitely stopped or changed to garbage when the Pactor signal came on.
>73 - Skip KH6TY
>jose alberto nieto ros wrote: 
>You must not filter anything in the transceiver. You must pass all bandwith in 
>your receiver because filter are doing by the PC better than you transceiver.

>De:KH6TY <kh...@comcast. net>
>Para: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com
>Enviado: lun,22 febrero, 2010 18:31
>Asunto: Re: [digitalradio] ROS Advantage?
>After monitoring 14.101 continuously for two days, I find the following:
>1. CW signals (of narrow width, of course) during this past weekend contest 
>often disrupted decoding, and it looks like it was not desensitization due to 
>AGC capture, as the  ROS signals on the waterfall did not appear any weaker.
>2. Pactor signals of 500 Hz width, outside the ROS signal, that capture the 
>AGC, do desensitize the receiver and cause loss of decoding, as expected. 
>Passband tuning takes care of that problem however.
>3. Pactor signals which have the same degree of darkness as the ROS carriers, 
>and occur within the upper third of the ROS signal, cause loss of decoding, 
>and it is not possible to fix the problem with passband tuning, as trying to 
>do that appears to take away enough of the ROS signal that the degree of 
>frequency hopping used is insufficient to overcome. Receiver is the IC-746Pro.
>4. If more than one ROS signal is present on the frequency, ROS will decode 
>one of them - apparently the strongest one - and the weaker one is blanked out 
>until the stronger one goes away and the the weaker one is decoded.
>5. Compared to Olivia 16-500, for example, the width of the ROS signal seems 
>to be a disadvantage as far as handling QRM is concerned. Five Olivia 16-500 
>signals will fit in the same space as one ROS signal needs, so QRM, covering 
>the top 40% of the ROS signal, for example, would probably not disrupt any of 
>three Olivia signals in the bottom 60% of the ROS signal bandwidth.
>In other words, the wide bandwidth required for ROS to work is a disadvantage 
>because IF filtering cannot remove narrower band QRM signals that fall within 
>the area of the ROS signal, but IF filtering can remove the same QRM from the 
>passband that has been narrowed to accept only an Olivia signal. A much wider 
>expansion or spectrum spread might reduce the probability of decoding 
>disruption, but that also makes the signal wider still and more susceptible to 
>additional QRM. The advantage of FHSS appears to be more in favor of making it 
>hard to copy a traditional SS signal unless the code is available, than QRM 
>survival, but on crowded ham bands, it looks like a sensitive mode like Olivia 
>or MFSK16, because it is more narrow, and filters can be tighter, stands a 
>better chance of surviving QRM than the ROS signal which is exposed to more 
>possibilities of QRM due to its comparatively greater width.
>The mode sure is fun to use and it is too bad it does not appear to be as QRM 
>resistant as hoped, at least according to my observations.
>Another problem is finding a frequency space wide enough to accommodate 
>several ROS signals at once so there is no cross-interference. It is much 
>easier to find space for five Olivia or MFSK16 signals than for even two ROS 
>These are only my personal observations and opinions. Others may find 
>I still plan to find out if ROS can withstand the extreme Doppler shift and 
>flutter on UHF which just tears up even moderately strong SSB phone signals. 
>Olivia appears to be the best alternative mode to SSB phone we have found so 
>far and sometimes provides slightly better copy than SSB phone, but for very 
>weak signals, CW still works the best. Even though the note is very rough 
>sounding, as in Aurora communications, CW can still be copied by ear as it 
>modulates the background noise.
>73 - Skip KH6TY
>Howard Brown wrote: 
>Aside from the legal aspect, does anyone have an opinion as to whether the 
>limited hopping (within the 3khz that it hops) helps the robustness of the 
>waveform?  If it makes a tremendous difference, maybe we should all work to 
>get it accepted. 
>Howard K5HB

>From:J. Moen <>
>To: digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com
>Sent: Sun, February 21, 2010 9:13:50 PM
>Subject: Re: [digitalradio] FCC Technology Jail: ROS Dead on HF for USA Hams
>Bonnie's note describes the US/FCC regulations issues regarding ROS and SS 
>really well.  It's the best description of the US problem I've seen on this 
>After reading what seems like hundreds of notes, I now agree that if ROS uses 
>FHSS techniques, as its author says it does (and none of us has seen the 
>code),  then even though it 1) uses less 3 kHz bandwidth,  2) does not appear 
>to do any more harm than a SSB signal and 3) is similar to other FSK modes, it 
>is not legal in FCC jurisdictions.
>As Bonnie points out, ROS "doesn't hop the VFO frequency," but within the 2.5 
>bandwidth, it technically is SS.  This would be true if ROS used 300 Hz 
>bandwidth instead of 2.5 kHz, but hopped about using FHSS within the 300 Hz 
>bandwidth.  So I have to agree the FCC regs are not well written in this case.
>Regarding the corollary issue of US/FCC regulations focused on content instead 
>of bandwidth, I'm not competent to comment.  
>   Jim - K6JM
>----- Original Message ----- 
>>To:digitalradio@ yahoogroups. com 
>>Sent:Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:09 PM
>>Subject:[digitalradio] FCC Technology Jail: ROS Dead on HF for USA Hams
>>Given the fact that ROS Modem has been advertised as Frequency Hopping Spread 
>>Spectrum (FHSS), it may be quite difficult for USA amateur radio operators to 
>>obtain a positive interpretation of rules by FCC to allow use of ROS on HF 
>>without some type of experimental license or waiver. Otherwise, hams will 
>>need an amendment of FCC rules to use it in USA. 
>>Sadly, this may lead to the early death of ROS among USA hams.
>>If ROS Modem had simply provided the technical specifications of the 
>>emission, and not called it "Spread Spectrum", there would have been a chance 
>>for it to be easily adopted by Ham Radio operators in USA. 
>>But, the ROS modem designer is rightfully proud of the design, and he lives 
>>in a country that is not bound by FCC rules, and probably had little or no 
>>knowledge of how his advertising might prevent thousands of hams from using 
>>it in USA. 
>>But, as they say, "You cannot un-ring a bell, once it has been rung".
>>ROS signal can be viewed as a type of FSK, similar to various other types of 
>>n-ary-FSK presently in widespread use by USA hams. The specific algorithms 
>>for signal process and format could simply have been documented without 
>>calling it Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). Since it is a narrowband 
>>signal (using the FCC and ITU definitions of narrowband emission = less than 
>>3kHz) within the width of an SSB passband, it does not fit the traditional 
>>FHSS description as a conventional wideband technique. 
>>It probably would not have been viewed as FHSS under the spirit and intention 
>>of the FCC rules. It doesn't hop the VFO frequency. It simply FSKs according 
>>to a programmable algorithm, and it meets the infamous 1kHz shift 300 baud 
>>http://www.arrl. org/FandES/ field/regulation s/news/part97/ d-305.html# 
>>This is a typical example of how outdated the present FCC rules are, keeping 
>>USA hams in "TECHNOLOGY JAIL" while the rest of the world's hams move forward 
>>with digital technology. It should come as no surprise that most of the new 
>>ham radio digital modes are not being developed in USA!
>>But, for a moment, let's put aside the issue of current FCC "prohibition" 
>>against Spread Spectrum and/or Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, and how it 
>>relates to ROS mode. Let's look at "bandwidth".
>>There is the other issue of "bandwidth" that some misguided USA hams have 
>>brought up here and in other forums related to ROS. Some superstitious hams 
>>seem to erroneously think that there is an over-reaching "bandwidth limit" in 
>>the FCC rules for data/text modes on HF that might indicate what part of the 
>>ham band to operate it or not operate it. 
>>"There is currently no finite bandwidth limit on HF data/text emission in USA 
>>ham bands, except for the sub-band and band edges."
>>"FCC data/text HF rules are still mainly based on "content" of the emission, 
>>not bandwidth."
>>New SDR radios have the potential to transmit and receive wider bandwidths 
>>than the traditional 3kHz SSB passband. We will see a lot more development in 
>>this area of technology in the future, and a lot more gray areas of 20th 
>>century FCC rules that inhibit innovation and progress for ham radio HF 
>>digital technology in the 21st century. 
>>Several years ago, there was a proposal to FCC to provide regulation by 
>>bandwidth rather than content. However, it failed to be adopted, and ARRL's 
>>petition to limit bandwidth was withdrawn
>>http://www.arrl. org/news/ stories/2007/ 04/27/101/ ?nc=1
>>Thus, USA hams will continue to be in Technology Jail without access to many 
>>new modes in the foreseeable future :(
>>Best Wishes,
>>Bonnie Crystal KQ6XA


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