Bill ,

I don't know who has assess to this web site, but IF someone PURPOSELY
has tried to mislead me and my fellow HAM friends I will be furious.
That I will not tolerate at all  :(

LA5VNA Steinar

On 05.03.2010 13:47, Box SixteenHundred wrote:
> heh...   you mean someone else posted lies on their web site ?
> 73 - Bill KA8VIT
>> To:;
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 00:31:06 +0100
>> Subject: [ROSDIGITALMODEMGROUP] Re: [digitalradio] ROS update
>> Jose,
>> Is THIS really true:  "[T]he information contained on the ROS Web site
>> was /not/ provided by the FCC."  ????
>> la5vna S
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