I guess I can chime in here with my 2 bits.  Why not use cw as the common 
communication mode.  My computer, using MultiPSK, can read CW quite well.  And 
I understand that morse code recognition actually uses very little of the 
computer's resources.  It is relatively easy to add a function to a computer 
program... much easier than adding the same function to a 'conventional' 
Ted Stone, WA2WQN

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Trevor ." <m5...@...> wrote:
> Following the recent discussions about the US license restrictions I was 
> looking through the archive of QST mags at www.arrl.org 
> On April 22, 1976 the FCC introduced Docket 20777, the QST report (page June 
> 1976) says 
> "Rather than further complicate the present rules," the Commission said, 
> "with additional provisions to accomodate the petitioners' requests, we are 
> herein proposing to delete all references to specific emission types in Part 
> 97 of the Rules. "We propose, instead," the Commission continued, "to replace 
> the present provisions with limitations on the permissible bandwidth which an 
> amateur signal may occupy in the various amateur frequency bands. Within the 
> authorised limitations any emission would be permitted." 
> It would seem that deletion of emission types from Part 97 is exactly what is 
> needed now to permit experimentation. Perhaps the FCC should be asked to 
> re-introduce Docket 20777 
> Trevor

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