My K3UK Sked Pages are now restored after the site was hacked on
Friday.  For security purposes my ISP re-set my web site and deleted
all files .  The site has the same address but has been upgraded to a
different server (supposedly better, faster).  My apologies to the may
users that were inconvenienced , thanks also to Joe N8FQ for keeping
the back-up site running.  the back-up site at  will eventually re-direct you back
to the main site later this weekend.  You will have to re-enter your
callsign and a few other brief items.

A few other changes..

Since the site had to start from scratch , some of the lesser know
sked pages are not running because the files were deleted.  The AVRA
Sked page has been moved to the main site.  AVRA members should now
point their browsers to  and click on
the AVRA tab.  Lighthouse , WAB and French sked sites have not been
replaced.  The FISTS page is shared with the QRP groups .  QRP related
"tweets" from QRPspots will remain directed to the FISTS page.

The WARC-CC sked page is fully functional, now that I have restored
that, I will work on updating the WARC-CC web page and restore the
membership search able database,

The digitalradio sked page is also restored with updated calling
frequencies.  Links to my various digital mode guides will be restored
gradually over the enxt few days.

My personal web page at has been revamped to.

The site hack did not do any damage, and most of the delay in
restoring backups was due to my ISP needing to re-set my site.  My ISP
said that the hack involved sending of spam.  I am not sure what was
sent, if you are aware of any increase in spam to your email address,
let me know.  The increase in spam to the digitalradio yahoo group is
an interesting coincidence but the 30-40 spam messages per day to
digitalradio are being caught and not getting through to the list.
The Sked pages ask for email addresses but they are optional and
provided simply for hams to arrange skeds via email, if desired.  If
you are worried about the security of your email address, do not enter
one in the sign-up cookie. I always use a gmail email address that is
easily turned off if I get spam.  I save my 'real" email address for
rare situations and never give that out to web sites.

Thanks to the may users that support the site.  FYI, the deleted user
database has 2500 ham callsigns registered and we have regularly seen
100 our so simultaneous connections.  That keeps my ISP's servers
hopping with several gigs of data per week(!) being exchanged.  Also
nice to see mention of our pages in various ham magazines lately.

Andy K3UK

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