...So...realigning the HF bands to benefit less than 1% (using automatic modes) 
doesn't have a MOTIVE?  You're dreaming, fella, if you think that.

Bonnie acts as if she owns 14.109 and the rest of the ALE "channels".  When the 
debate raged on of whether or not ROS was legal, she regurgitated the same, 
tired old rant...that ROS use NEAR 14.109 will interfere with ALE.  Really?  In 
her OWN WORDS, she states that ALE is a "listen-first" mode.  I can tell you 
from the last 3 RTTY contests that that fact is CRAP.  Plenty of DX stations 
had to stand-by while the pointless "soundings" took place. 

And, I'm not going to get personal beyond what I've already said.  I stated my 
opinions.  ALE is an obscure mode, with zealot-like enthusiasts, and if you 
talk "bad" about it, its users, or its demi-god, you get "in trouble".

Besides...if her bandplan is "adopted", do you really think OTHERS will be 

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Alan Barrow <ml9...@...> wrote:
> kb2hsh wrote:
> > Bonnie (yes, I'm not bashful about calling her out) "controls" ALE as if it 
> > were HERS.  In my opinion, it's little more than a business for her...not 
> > only can you join HF-ALE, but you can also BUY MERCHANDISE.
> >   
> OK, this is going too far. I'm heavily involved in HFLink operation,
> planning, and design. There is no business aspect, we do not benefit
> financially from any of this. It's a labor of love, just like Andy's and
> other pages are.
> Sticker sales? Do you really think the nickel and dime someone might
> make from that offsets server costs of $100+ per month? Software
> licenses for the fairly sophisticated frequency logging system?
> The only reason there is HFLink merchandise available is by request,
> just like there is in HFPack! Some folks like the logo.
> The whole idea that Bonnie controls ALE is flawed as well. Is she an
> avid promoter? Sure. Drives standardization? Yep, and we all benefit
> from that. But there are probably 4-5 heavily involved ALE hobbyists who
> collectively influence decision making, new development, and help keep
> things going.
> I find ALE interesting. But I don't see it taking over ham radio, nor
> would I allow it to do so. Same for the others involved. When you start
> borderline libel/slander like this, it cheapens the hobby and hurts us all.
> You don't have to like ALE, or Bonnie personally. But at least get your
> facts straight!
> Again, another firestorm against individuals, when instead we should be
> working together. This aspect of our hobby is embarrassing to me.
> So go ahead and bash. Make it as personal as you like. Let's get into
> gender, appearance, degrees, etc. That's where these things normally head!
> have fun,
> Alan
> km4ba

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