Overnight, I placed my rig on an 8-band scan using standard ALE (no
soundings from me) .  11 stations captured at various times.

[12:39:01][FRQ 07102000][SND][               ][TWS][N0PWZ
][AL0] BER 27 SN 05
[12:31:16][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][KC2PUA
][AL0] BER 30 SN 08
[11:23:23][FRQ 10145500][SND][               ][TWS][VK5ABN
][AL0] BER 27 SN 04
[11:09:34][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][WD8ARZ
][AL0] BER 30 SN 07
[[10:49:50][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][N2CKH
][AL0] BER 29 SN 07
[10:35:22][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][KB3JAJ
][AL0] BER 30 SN 07
[06:04:34][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][KR4K
][AL0] BER 20 SN 06
[03:29:24][FRQ 03596000][SND][               ][TWS][KB3JAJ
][AL0] BER 27 SN 06
[02:35:26][FRQ 03596000][TO ][KJ4AYT         ][TIS][K2MO
][AL0] BER 20 SN 04
[02:28:17][FRQ 07102000][SND][               ][TWS][KJ4AYT
][AL0] BER 24 SN 05
[02:07:44][FRQ 14109000][SND][               ][TWS][KI6TCB
][AL0] BER 30 SN 07

I heard the above at different times on different bands, this is just
a list of the stations heard at least once.  Interesting 30M opening
to VK5-land.

Andy K3UK

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