D-Star repeaters provide much better coverage due to the codec (I base this
on one test made which was most impressive). As for technology - this is
part of the Education benefits in Amateur Radio, my interest in radio
resulted in a degree in electronics & mathematics. I listen almost all day
while working on technology.

Anyone can pick up a microphone and talk - so why not go 'down the pub'

Some believe that Radio Hams should be banned from all emergency situations
in the UK. In countries with a much larger land mass such as the US it's
arguable a different matter but for European countries with a good telecoms

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

> -----Original Message-----
> From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of g4ilo
> Indeed, I don't really see
> that even D-Star enhances the hobby in any way
> I'm afraid that technology is starting to take the magic out of radio.
> Of course, I have a different perspective coming from the UK where
> amateur radio isn't regarded as primarily an emergency communications
> service. :)

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