FIRST QSO ON 500KHz USING   ROS  30 April 

First qso  on 500  KHz using ros , G0NBD and  G4WGT , initially using  500/16 
and then eme , reducing tx power , the level  that the  eme mode started to 
fail was in technical terms `just silly'  reducing the  tx to  3  watts  
carrier  power then  via a 20 dB attenuator  down to  30  mW to  a 35 ft top 
loaded Ae that  needs round  50/75  watts  to  produce 100 mW  erp , ie approx 
500 : 1  reduction  …….. reception 30  miles away  by a  similar Ae , then  
produced 100 % copy  , depending on local noise level … 

Later in the  evening , M0BMU called G0NBD  at  500/8  , a range of 200  miles 
, then follower at  100% qso  over  some  30  mins  ending  round  0010 local  
time , one final tx  at 500/16 was also  100% decode , even in deep  QSO , to  
the  point of no audio  from the  speaker,  the  mode remained in lock and kept 
printing , each station  running  100  watts. 

Outstanding  mode Jose !

73 – G .. 

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