A new digital net has been established , the Western New York Digital
Net.  Blantantly  stealing some ideas by the creative folks behind the
WPA NBEMS Nets.   After input from various WNY hams the Western New
York HF Digital Net has settled on the following...

Fridays 9PM (Eastern)  3.5835 USB 8/500 Olivia  (0100 UTC Saturdays)

Sunday 9.30 AM  3.5835 USB 8/500 Olivia  (1330 UTC)

The nets are expected to be brief, 20-30 minutes.   The focus of the
nets will be a mix of informal and emcomm focused content
(establishing network coverage maps, message passing, examine
robustness of specific modes, etc ).

RS-ID will be used to assist operators.

All welcome, regardless of your QTH.

The digitalradio Sked Page may also be used to assist coordination ,
see http://www.obriensweb.com/sked/

Andy K3UK

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