Unfortunately lots of people have had bad experiences with Pactor 
and,naturally, like when you've been bitten by a big dog you don't forget it !
I used to enjoy using pactor with my PK232 during the 90's but many times my 
contacts were totally wiped out by a roving Pactor message system which used to 
drop on top of any QSO, I got so angry about this I gave up using Pactor.

There nothing wrong with Pactor as long as the users stay in their pen, its the 
same with RTTY stations, some used to persist in using the only frequency used 
by PSK operators. Contacts using thirty watts and less of PSK are demolished 
when RTTY comes even anywhere near to where they operate and people get angry. 
As always, consideration for others on the bands is the way radio amateurs of 
all nations should show their amateur radio spirit and goodwill.

Kind regards,  Mel G0GQK

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