John W0JAB wrote: "I Have only been a (ham) since 1968 and still learning.  But 
I don't recall all of this happening 10 or more years ago."

I got into amateur radio in 1959, and there were fairly strong disagreements 
between AMers and SSBers.  

In recent years, there have been disagreements between QROers and QRPers.  Some 
high power folks are happy to talk to you until you let slip you are only 
running 3 watts, then they drop the QSO fast. 

Clearly folks who've had QSOs wiped out by automated HF stations have some 
strong feelings about that.  

Heck, I've had PSK31 QSOs disrupted by a CW operator coming on frequency, 
though narrow filters can help there.  

For as long as I've been listening, particularly on 80 meters, there are people 
who believe they "own" a frequency and behave that way.

Right now, I see a lot of analog FM VHF/UHF operators quite upset with digital 
voice modes like D-Star.  In regions where 2 meter repeater frequencies are 
scarce, there's quite a war going on about these new modes.  

But all of these are examples of the minority of hams, in my opinion.  Most 
hams try to help each other, get along with each other and tolerate those who 
are into different facets of this great hobby.  

   Jim - K6JM
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "John Becker, WØJAB" 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Why does the ARRL continue to push for Pactor III 
  Sorry to both of you.
  In the last week my mind has been elsewhere after my check up with 
  my cancer doctor. Really need testing to be sure but right now he
  thinks that it may have return. But to answer both. No it is not needed. 
  And if I may add that I only use it when connected to a BBS. Makes things
  a lot faster. 

  I for one can't see using P3 for kb to kb QSO. Again I can't type that fast 
  keep up with the flow. But let's not just pick on pactor. What about RTTY?
  It seems that a lot will (for lack of a better work) *bitch* about anything 2 
  wider that a PSK signal.

  Now I Have only been a have since 1968 and still learning.
  But I don't recall all of this happening 10 or more years ago.

  John, W0JAB

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