good news, nice to see this mode make good progress.

Andy K3UK

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:53 AM, graham787 <> wrote:

> After a series of successful test transmissions, the latest version of
> ROS-3-6-1 (at the moment) now has the MF mode included , this allows live
> key board qso's at a data rate close to 500/8 and also has a baud-1 mode
> with enhanced s/n performance , transmission via non-linear systems is
> possible , though the logic drive of class e/d will still present problems.
> To comply with the EU 100 Hz data bandwidth of the 500Khz permits the mode
> is coded to occupy less than 100 Hz , the first custom mode to be produced
> to enable data communications with in the EU on MF
> The first on air qso over 200 miles is listed >
> 214df5b03c2bc50<>
> Scroll down the page ... and you will see the RX station F4DTL was in Paris
> 650 Km from myself running 20 watts to 35 ft top loaded vertical and round
> 325 km from Jim running 100 w to a similar array
> Its quite possible that the 100 Hz mode will function well over HF over the
> polar paths where psk tends to fail ?
> G ..

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