Thanks Phil.  I think the one issue is something you don't have control
over, that is the Call ID  that is decoded actually being sent to PSK
Reporter.  In Multipsk the decoded call ID is stored (by user option) in a
txt file.  As far as i can tell, this is not automatically sent to PSK
Reporter unless the user has Multipsk  configured to send to PSK Reporter.
I am not sure how many people choose to send to PSK Reporter versus simply
leave the option unchecked.  What I was playing around with is a way to
automatically upload the decoded call ID to a web page regardless of the
user option to send to PSk Reporter.

Multipsk , as you are already aware, produces a line like...

15:21:19 CQ K1DOW-EL97BE    -4  3009 Hz

in the Call ID area.    A none map version of PSk Reporter where it list
multiple decodes like

15:21:19 CQ K1DOW-EL97BE    -4  3009 Hz
14:56:39 CQ K3UKFN02HK       -3  3009 Hz
14:56:05 CQ K1DOW-EL97BE   + 2  3154 Hz
13:38:25       KA1GMN/5          + 4  2194 Hz

might be useful but perhaps that is already possible with the "logbook" view
in PSK Reporter.

Andy K3UK

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:14 PM, philipjsg <>wrote:

> Andy
> If you want to have a special way of showing these records in PSKReporter,
> then please let me know and maybe I can implement it.
> Philip
> --- In <>, Andy
> obrien <k3uka...@...> wrote:
> >
> > While I play around with ways to automatically upload my CALL_ID.txt
> > file in Multipsk to my web site, I should mention that PSKreporter
> > already has a feature that does much of what I am trying to do. See
> > that attached screenshot that shows call ID's that I received. PSK
> > Reporter can be configured to have it show Call IDs received by
> > multiple callsigns. It is not as "instant" as I would like, PSK
> > Reporter updates every 2-3 minutes, I think. Not bad though.
> >
> > A reminder, my interest in this subject matter is based on a desire to
> > see RS ID and Call ID capabilities for the basis of some rough
> > equivalent of a CW Skimmer , but for digital modes.
> >
> > Andy K3UK
> >

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