June QST

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 9:07 PM, wb4...@teara.org <wb4...@teara.org> wrote:

> At 05:56 PM 5/18/2010 -0000, you wrote:
> >Is anybody on to tinker with ALE400?? It's 1751Z I'm monitoring 14074.00
> and will monitor most of the rest of the day.
> >
> >I'm still trying to figure it out so please bear with me till then.
> >
> >73, Chuck AC5PW
> I know this is probably an old question... but is there somewhere I can go
> to read about ALE400 and get started without too much complexity? I use
> several other digital modes, but I don't know anything about ALE400.
> Thanks
> Dave WB4IUY
> www.WB4IUY.net <http://www.wb4iuy.net/>

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