I also noticed this signal yesterday, very strong here in the UK. I have to
admit this is the first time I have heard it but that may simply be because
I have not been on 14076 at the times it has been active. Surely a station
such as this should be further up the band, around 14100 where the rest of
the mailboxes and the like seem to be (avoiding 14.100 though as some of us
do actually use the beacons there!). That PSKMail station certainly ruined a
few QSO's and made the top end of the JT65 activity centre quite useless (I
am loathe to say 'sub band' or 'allocation' as that is simply not true - it
is neither) . 
73 de 
Sean Gilbert 
G4UCJ - G4001SWL - SWLR-ZN018 
Buckingham, Bucks. IO92MA 
Email: sean.gilb...@o2.co.uk 
Web: http://www.hfradio.org.uk 
TXR: IC756pro 
RX2: Racal RA1792 
ANT 1: Wellbrook ALA1530 @ 3m agl 
ANT 2: 10.5m OCF dipole @ 10m agl 
30MDG: #0464; #0463L; EPC: #008L; #015L; NDG# 0163 CDG: #150 
DMC: #016SWL; #017SWL; #990; PODXS 070: #139

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