
I'm reading this last post , but something is missing , what  problem  is Jose  
supposed to  fix ? On what  ground's  should  the rest of the  world  stop  
using  the  mode ?

My license allows me to  transmit mfsk , makes no  reference to how the  
frequency steps are generated and  expressly forbids transmissions in code or  
cypher and as  Ros-1 is  freely available (for now) the secret aspect is not 

I think , it has been  reasonably established , that the  catch 22o clause is  
historic, bandwidth lead and  has been overtaken  by  technology.

Lester ,posted quite a  viable path to  resolve the  problem.. very little in 
engineering is back  and white , Lester's post is  suitably Gray to  split 
opinions .. and that's all  it needs ..a new common ground ..  a way out  for  
all  involved. 

There is nothing 'we' The old world  can do  in support of the  situation , on 
the  contrary, perhaps the apparent exclusion  of the middle of the  'new 
world' from technological  advancement may add  leverage ?  

73 -G . 


--- In, rein...@... wrote:
> Sigi
> You in Germany and perhaps others in Spain, Italy, France, UK, Russia should 
> stop
> using ROS until Jose fixes this problem .
> I am sure he is sensitive to that and will respond to a temporary boycott.
> One should be able to do this via the amateur radio organizations, DARC. RSGB 
> etc
> They send out newsletters, get out the word so that Jose wil listen.
> I do not think ARRL will respond, fof them it is easy, "ROS is illegal to 
> use", so
> why should we getting involved?
> 73 Rein W6SZ 
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Siegfried Jackstien <siegfried.jackst...@...>
> >Sent: Jul 12, 2010 7:19 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: AW: [digitalradio] Re: Moving ROS forward in the USA?
> >
> >That would mean if you would implement ros or similar in a multimode soft
> >like multipsk or dm780 you would not be allowed to use it (the whole soft)
> >in us ??? I think if only a part of the soft is forbidden to use (on
> >transmit) all other modes can be used
> >
> >If for instance rtty was forbidden in germany but no other mode I can use
> >all other modes in a given software
> >
> >So if in us ros hf is forbidden (but not ros mf) you could use it in us .
> >right??
> >
> >Just my understanding of laws ,, but I may be wrong
> >
> >Sigi
> >
> > 
> >

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