--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, KH6TY <kh...@...> wrote:
> I think there are valid reasons for the FCC only allowing spread 
> spectrum above 222 Mhz (where there is plenty of room!). A single spread 
> spectrum signal on HF may go unnoticed by most stations, but what 
> happens if 100 (in range) are on at the same time? The statistical 
> chances that where will be QRM on your frequency are much higher, the 
> more stations that are on.

You are talking about real, 20kHz or more wide spread spectrum though, aren't 
you? If it's only as wide as a voice signal, it's causing no more harm than a 
voice signal (and it probably isn't spread spectrum according to at least some 
learned opinions.)

Julian, G4ILO

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