Hi Guys

When Chris, G4HYG, launched APRS-Messenger with PSK63 several Net14 members 
experimented with the mode along side 300bd APRs on 14.103 MHz but generally 
found that it was prone to errors and showed little or no advantage over 300bd 
APRS. Chris has now introduced GMSK250 into APRS Messenger which seems to have 
good APRS DX potential. It has a wider bandwidth than PSK63 but is much faster 
which reduces the chances of data collisions and problems from QRM/QRN that we 
experience on HF SSB.

Some Net14 members are experimenting with the mode and you are invited to join 
in. For setup details go to www.net14.org.uk on the Net14 & Net28 + GMSK page.



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