
I am trying to implement a new application for the
OpenBrick (www.openbrick.org) which is based on the
IGS 5005 chipset.

I tried many binary drivers from TVIA (available here
or there on the Web) which are all more a less buggy.
Also, apparently, TVIA does not open source the
drivers and requires a very high amount of money to
provide source code from what I read on this mailing
list. I have contacted the people at Nexedi who
distribute the OpenBrick but they told me that they
were not allowed yet to distribute the binary driver
which TVIA provided them and that they were still
waiting for TVIA to allow them to do so. They advised
me to use VESA until TVIA would provide them a good

Therefore, I would prefer to support the kernel GPL
driver for IGS 5005 by developing my application based
on this driver rather than supporting the TVIA
proprietary approach.

I have already been evaluating the kernel fb driver
which works quite OK on the OpenBrick but does not
seem to be able to initialize the 4MB shared memory,
thus preventing high resolutions / high depth. I will
try this WE to patch  it somehow to get the 4MB.
Besides that, scrolling generates many strange small
pixels in high res (it is OK in low res). And some
features of the IGS 5005 do not seem to be

What I need for my application(s) is
        - get good resolution (ie. 1280 x 1024 in 16 bits)
        - be able to display a small MPEG stream (from a
file) on the TV output and a Web Page on the VGA
output at the same time

I would really appreciate if someone could let me know
if all this is possible / easy / complex etc. to
implement based on either directfb and/or the linux
framebuffer driver.



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