dear all,

I'm a beginner of directFb and I have a lot of difficulties in order to 
find "start documentation"... is there a reference manual or something 

In particular I'm able to load image and I will start to use layer and 
alpha channel but I would like to rotate object in 2D and 3D ( till now 
2D...)... for exampel I have read in this mailing list that it is possible 
to rotate (90°) an image with texturetriangles but it doesn't work and in 
particualr I don't understand DFBvertex how it works... (what is w 
coordinate!??!). this is the code that I have used:


You can use TextureTriangles() to do that.

The following code blits "src" surface to "dst" surface rotated by 90 

DFBVertex v[4];

/* [x,y] are the coordinates of the destination point. */
/* [width,height] is the size of the source surface. */

v[0].x = x;
v[0].y = y;
v[0].z = 0;
v[0].w = 1;
v[0].s = 1;
v[0].t = 0;

v[1].x = x+width;
v[1].y = y;
v[1].z = 0;
v[1].w = 1;
v[1].s = 1;
v[1].t = 1;

v[2].x = x+width;
v[2].y = y+height;
v[2].z = 0;
v[2].w = 1;
v[2].s = 0;
v[2].t = 1;

v[3].x = x;
v[3].y = y+height;
v[3].z = 0;
v[3].w = 1;
v[3].s = 0;
v[3].t = 0;

dst->TextureTriangles( dst, src, v, NULL, 4, DTTF_FAN );
/* END CODE */

However this only works if TextureTriangles() is accelerated, since 
there is not software fallback.


many thanks for any suggestions...

claudio stagni


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