Hi All,
I've attached the example code which reproduces the tearing effect in the 
graphics. I use DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC flag during Flip and vsync-after in 

But still I get the tearing effect when I introduce more blitting operation 
just before Flipping. When there are lesser blitting operations I see the 
graphics running fine without any artifacts and it looks in sync with vertical 

I'm doing below steps in the example code:

1.     Clear the screen to blue by calling FillRect to cover the entire screen.

2.     Draw 4 groups of 4 vertical stripes (16 in all).  Each stripe is 
positioned at the top of the display and is 20 pixels wide, 1080 pixels high.  
Each group of 4 stripes should be coloured red / white / blue / white.  Each 
group should start 500 pixels to the right of the previous group.  Successive 
frames move all four groups 20 pixels to the right.

3.     Wait a bit (I use more blitting operations to introduce some delay. 
Instead we can use usleep as well

4.     Flip on vsync.

Please give me some inputs to resolve this.
BTW I use DirectFB 1.4.12 version.

Thanks & Regards
#include <stdio.h>
#include <directfb.h>

 * this is the same demo as "mali_swapbuffers", but the rendering is done in 
DirectFB only.
 * shows a similar effect of incomplete / disturbed frames
 * when rendering duration is +/- around a single frame length (20 ms @ 50hz)

static IDirectFB               *dfb         = 0;
static IDirectFBSurface        *primary     = 0;
static IDirectFBSurface        *temp_surf     = 0;

void init_dfb() {
    int err;
    err = DirectFBInit( NULL, 0 );
    if (err) { printf("dfb init failed (%d), exiting\n",err); exit(-1); }

    err = DirectFBCreate( &dfb );
    if (err) { printf("dfb create failed (%d), exiting\n",err); exit(-1); }

    err = dfb->SetCooperativeLevel( dfb, DFSCL_FULLSCREEN );
    if (err) { printf("dfb coop level failed (%d), exiting\n",err); exit(-1); }

    //err = dfb->SetVideoMode( dfb, 1920, 1080, 32 );
    if (err) { printf("dfb set video mode failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    IDirectFBDisplayLayer *displayer = 0;
    err = dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &displayer );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get disp layer failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    err = displayer->SetCooperativeLevel(displayer, DLSCL_EXCLUSIVE);
    if (err) { printf("dfb set layer exclusive failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    DFBDisplayLayerConfig layerconfig;
    err = displayer->GetConfiguration( displayer, &layerconfig );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get layer conf failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    printf("got display layer config %d x %d\n", layerconfig.width, 
layerconfig.height );
    layerconfig.flags |= DLCONF_BUFFERMODE;
    layerconfig.buffermode = DLBM_BACKVIDEO;
    layerconfig.surface_caps |= DSCAPS_DOUBLE|DSCAPS_PRIMARY; // | 
    err = displayer->SetConfiguration(displayer,&layerconfig);
    if (err) { printf("dfb set layer conf failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    DFBDisplayLayerDescription desc;
        DFBSurfaceDescription surfdesc;

    err = displayer->GetDescription( displayer, &desc );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get layer desc failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

    printf("disp layer description:\n");
    printf("--- type       : %04x\n", desc.type);
    printf("--- caps       : %08x\n", desc.caps);
    printf("--- name       : %s\n", desc.name);

    err = displayer->GetSurface( displayer, &primary );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get layer surface failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }

        surfdesc.width  = 200;
        surfdesc.height = 200;
        surfdesc.flags |= DSDESC_WIDTH | DSDESC_HEIGHT;

    err = dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &surfdesc, &temp_surf );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get layer surface failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }
    DFBSurfaceCapabilities caps;
    err = primary->GetCapabilities ( primary, &caps );
    if (err) { printf("dfb get surface caps failed (%d), exiting\n",err); 
exit(-1); }
    printf("surface caps   : %08x\n",caps);

void exit_dfb() {

static void simple_fill( int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t col )
    primary->SetColor( primary, (col & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, (col & 0x0000ff00) >> 
8, (col & 0x000000ff) >> 0, (col & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
    primary->FillRectangle( primary, x,y,w,h );

static void temp_fill( int x, int y, int w, int h, uint32_t col )
    temp_surf->SetColor( temp_surf, (col & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, (col & 
0x0000ff00) >> 8, (col & 0x000000ff) >> 0, (col & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
    temp_surf->FillRectangle( temp_surf, x,y,w,h );

int main(int c, char **v) {
    int                      x,n;
        int i = 1000;
        int j = 50*1000;

    int step  = 20;
    while(1) {

        for (x=0; x<500; x+=step) {

            primary->SetColor     ( primary, 0x20, 0x20, 0x80, 0xff );
            primary->FillRectangle( primary, 0,0, 1920, 1080 );

            for (n=0; n<4; n++) {
                simple_fill( -20 + n*500 + x + 0*step, 0, step, 1080, 
0xffcc0000 );
                simple_fill( -20 + n*500 + x + 1*step, 0, step, 1080, 
0xffffffff );
                simple_fill( -20 + n*500 + x + 2*step, 0, step, 1080, 
0xff0000cc );
                simple_fill( -20 + n*500 + x + 3*step, 0, step, 1080, 
0xffffffff );

            // longer time before flip provokes error case: rendering time >= 1 
frame duration
            //usleep( 15*1000 );
                                simple_fill( 0, 0, 100, 100, 0xffcc00ff );
                        i = 1000;
            // shorter time before flip is safely < frame duration
           //  usleep( 5*1000 );

            // we should expect this to wait until the blitter finishes, but it 
does not:

            primary->Flip( primary, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC 

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