I'm trying to use the latest versions of DirectFB, LiTE, and WebKitDFB
(webkitdfb-r124228 branch) from git but am unable to get input devices
to work in web pages.  With the current version, neither my touchscreen
nor a keyboard work in web pages (but both work using df_input). The
touchscreen was working correctly last time I updated (~4 months ago).

Here's the webkit configuration I'm using:

WebKit was configured with the following options:

Build configuration:
Enable debugging (slow)                                  : no
Compile with debug symbols (slow)                        : no
Enable debug features (slow)                             : no
Enable GCC build optimization                            : yes
Code coverage support                                    : no
Unicode backend                                          : icu
Font backend                                             : freetype
Networking backend                                       : curl
Optimized memory allocator                               : yes
JavaScript Engine                                        : jsc
Accelerated rendering backend                            : directfb

WebGL                                                    : no
Accelerated Compositing                                  : yes
Animation API                                            : no
Blob support                                             : yes
Color input support                                      : no
CSS3 Flexbox support                                     : no
CSS box-decoration-break support                         : yes
CSS Exclusions support                                   : yes
CSS Regions support                                      : yes
CSS Filters support                                      : no
CSS Compositing support                                  : yes
DeviceOrientation support                                : no
Directory upload                                         : no
DOM mutation observer support                            : no
Fast Mobile Scrolling                                    : no
Filters support                                          : yes
Fullscreen API support                                   : yes
Gamepad support                                          : no
Geolocation support                                      : no
HTML5 channel messaging support                          : no
HTML5 data transfer items support                        : no
HTML5 FileSystem API support                             : no
HTML5 iframe seamless attribute support                  : yes
HTML5 meter element support                              : yes
HTML5 microdata support                                  : no
HTML5 progress element support                           : yes
HTML5 track element support                              : no
HTML5 video element support                              : no
Icon database support                                    : no
JavaScript debugger/profiler support                     : yes
JIT compilation                                          : yes
Legacy WebKitBlobBuilder support                         : yes
Link prefetch support                                    : no
MathML support                                           : yes
Media source                                             : no
Media statistics                                         : no
Media stream support                                     : no
MHTML support                                            : yes
Opcode stats                                             : no
Page Visibility API support                              : no
Quota API support                                        : no
Register Protocol Handler support                        : no
RequestAnimationFrame support                            : yes
Scripted speech support                                  : no
Shadow DOM support                                       : yes
SharedWorkers support                                    : yes
Speech input support                                     : no
Spellcheck support                                       : yes
SQL client-side database storage support                 : yes
SVG fonts support                                        : yes
SVG support                                              : yes
Text Autosizing support                                  : no
Touch Icon Loading support                               : no
Web Audio support                                        : no
WebGL                                                    : no
Web Sockets support                                      : yes
Web Timing support                                       : no
Web Workers support                                      : yes
XSLT support                                             : yes

WebKit2 support:
WebKit2 support                                          : no
WebKit2 plugin process                                   : no

DirectFB configuration:
Use Cairo-DirectFB                                       : yes
FusionDale support                                       : no
FusionSound support                                      : no
Toolkit                                                  : lite

Any idea why this isn't working?

Also, on a separate topic, is there a way to enable a proxy server
in WebKitDFB?  I tried setting the shell variable http_proxy but
that didn't seem to work.

Thanks in advance,

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