On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Eric Blossom wrote:
> All the modules that depend on gnuradio-core use pkg-config to
> locate the gnuradio-core library and includes at configure time.
> Which one it finds is dependent on the setting of the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
> environment variable.
My environment variables which refer to /usr/gr/local are these:


> If you're installing gnuradio-core in /usr/gr/local, then you'll find
> that it installs a file: /usr/gr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gnuradio-core.pc
Indeed it does.

> The other gr-* packages need a way to find that file.  They do that
> through the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.  It wants to contain
> the path to that directory, and perhaps /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig too (or
> whereever fftw3f.pc was installed.)
That is the case. fftw3f.pc seems to be found even though that path is not
part of PKG_CONFIG_PATH in my variable. Buildit sets PKG_CONFIG_PATH with
both paths and apparently works in most cases. For some reason, I still
need it in my environment for everything to build.

> The great thing about pkg-config is that it keeps you from having to
> guess about what -I, -L and -l options you need to use to compile
> and link a tool that uses a given package.

That seems to work except for the usrp build. The libusb include and lib
files are not found in /usr/local but there is no libusb.pc file there
either. This is the FreeBSD port of libusb-0.1.10a which I'm not sure
is right but it does compile with the usrp code.

> Note: for some reason, the command is called pkg-config, but the RPM,
> library path and distribution tarball is called pkgconfig.

Of course, I'm using FreeBSD so it is not an RPM but a FreeBSD "port".
pkgconfig-0.17.2 is the current version. Seems to work.

I just re-built everything including the usrp code so I can build now. I'm
still learning so many new things here that I'm not sure exactly which
parts do which things.

For example, if configure can set the install path to /usr/gr/local/lib
it would seem make check would also be able to find libraries there. The
path seems to show up in the Makefile but I need LD_LIBRARY_PATH to do
make check. And I need to set TMPDIR for the usrp build even though /tmp
and /var/tmp are available. Several other hacks to compile GnuRadio under
FreeBSD but I'm getting there.

Thanks for the help.


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