On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 11:37:25AM -0700, Robitaille, Michael wrote:
> On Monday, November 07, 2005 10:31 PM Eric Blossom Wrote
> No I have not 'butch' in an EEPROM and I have done nothing that could have
> hosed the USRP.  All I did is put two small leads on the mating connector to
> input a signal.  The only signals that I tried to input so far are from a
> generator +/- 0.5 Vpp sine/square wave and about 5 feet long wires to try
> and pickup a local FM.  I have not tried to insert my actual signal yet.
> In python interactive mode I have done the following:
> Python >> u=usrp.source_c()
> 'RX d'board A:<none>'
> 'RB d'board B:<none>'
> Python >> sbdev = (0, 0)            #default subdev
> Python >> u.subdev=usrp.selectected_subdev(u, sbdev)
> Python >> u.subdev.side_and_name()
> 'A:<none>'
> Python >>
> Note that I did not get the warning message.  Should I have gotten it?

No, you should not have gotten the message about "Invalid EEPROM
contents".  That's why I was asking if you had added an additional
EEPROM installed.

> From the last command it looks like the subdev is 'A:<none>', is
> this what it should be if it defaults to Basic RX daughterboard?

If you print


You should see two instances of db_basic_rx.  

side_and_name() is based on what it really finds.


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