Eric Blossom wrote:

Matt, Bob McGwier (N4HY) and I spent last week working on GNU Radio
face to face.  We got an incredible amount of stuff done, and not much

Below are some of the highlights:

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You left out why it was possible to work this hard for a week and get a lot done. The Blossom family hospitality is second to none. I stayed in one of the newest and most lavishly decked out casino's in Reno (cheap, $50 a night!) and did not put one red cent into a single slot machine. The only time I managed to even enter the casino, it was to walk through to the diner! It was a busy week, but an extremely valuable learning experience for me and I am very happy Matt and Eric persevered in my training until I could see how to do things. For those that do not understand how things work behind the scenes, it is a remarkable piece of work. With Stephane's recent contributions of the SSE/3DNOW based routines for filtering and the FFTW SSE based FFT routines, this code is remarkably efficient and is truly beginning to meet all of its great promise.

My apologies on the Kaiser window. I got trapped like everyone else that does a quick search. They get the Numerical Recipes code (usually without a single line of attribution) as I did. Go to Julius O. Smith's CCRMA resampling treatise and you will find the entire rationale for what was done here for the rational (integer up, integer down) resampler. Smith's fractional resampler is also very neat but we did not need it for the week since the Eric/Matt had already implemented a "compromise" but very fast fractional resampler. From my observations, and where we are using it, it is not much of a compromise and as I said, it is very fast.

Matt and I started the Costas loop and we all detoured to the PLL blocks. We can and should finish the Costas loop to enable a fancy DSB detector, QPSK demodulator, etc.

In gnuradio-examples/python/usrp you will find The difference between it and is the latter uses the arctan demodulator and the new one uses the PLL demodulator. The PLL design parameters probably need tweaking. Give it a try if you have the tuner. To my ear, it sounds brighter, but your ear might hear differently. Let us know. I thought it might be more expensive computationally but if it is, it is not by much. Matt ran it on his abacus, err uhhh, 1.8 GHz (constantly throttled back for thermal to 600 MHz) laptop.

We looked at the FlexRF board for 70 cm and as Eric mentioned, we used it for the GMSK. Matt's abacus could not send faster than 756 kbps without glitching so I am sure it will run at least 1 mbps on a desktop. In looking at the FlexRF, we managed to do the necessary adjustments to suppress the LO to an extraordinary (and entirely unnecessary) and to suppress the image to > 30 dB. This will be fine for the 70cm, 900, 1296, and 2304 bands. I have two transverters for 1296 and 2304 that do not have this level of suppression. Matt used a quadrature mixer in a neat package and it works.

The other thing we discussed as Eric mentioned and still need to make progress on is the modification to the bit file for the USRP and then implement the code to enable the phased array code. The need to modify the bit file and the discussion of the applications of this hardware and software to the C to C band transponder for AMSAT=NA's Eagle spacecraft mission kept us from attempting an implementation of the phased array code.

My apologies to Matt. We had great fun at his computer's expense though it worked just fine. I brought my great laptop only to discover that it has USB 1.1 and had to spend 3 days getting SUSE 10 set up to compile and run GnuRadio to even find that out!

What else did we forget?


I'm sure I've left out something important!

This wouldn't have been possible without the enthusiastic efforts of
Bob and Matt!  Thanks guys!


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