On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 03:52:25PM +0100, Martin Dvh wrote:
> > The code should be portable. I was missing the native Win32 call for
> > mutex_trylock, so someone will have to find it, and define
> > OMNI_MUTEX_TRYLOCK_IMPLEMENTATION in src/lib/omnithread/ot_nt.h,
> > with appropriate semantic (return value).
> I think you can do this with TryEnterCriticalSection

It does fit indeed. It has just been checked in.

Bob, Thomas, please cvs update gnuradio-core AND gr-audio-portaudio at
same time since I changed the logic of omni_mutex::trylock (returns true
if it grabbed the lock), in order to comply with comment in omnithread.h.

> You could also use the omni_semaphore class defined in 
> gnuradio-core/src/lib/omnithread/nt.cc
> This latter one uses CreateSemaphore and WaitForSingleObject with some 
> wrapper code.
> (you probably have to change all defines if you change to using 
> omni_semaphore)

The gr-audio-portaudio code is using omni::mutex and omni::cond calls. 
Actually, they are not used for mutual exclusion, but simply as a
notification mean (there's more room/there's more data in the ringbuffer).

Good Lu*k Martin for your presentation. We can wait next week to see whether
James Brown sounds even better with gr-audio-portaudio under Windows ;-) 


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