USRP News -- April 18, 2006

In this Issue

- New Daughterboard Announcement
- New Daughterboard Naming and Contest
- TVRX Status
- Inventory Status
- American Express

New Daughterboard Announcement

We are pleased to announce the availability of the "Daughterboard Which
Would Have Been Called Flex900", or the DBWWHBC-Flex900.  For the
reasons why it will not actually be called the Flex900, please see the
next section of this announcement.

The DBWWHBC-Flex900 is a transceiver very similar to the DBFKA-Flex2400
(Daughterboard Formerly Known As Flex2400).  It is a transceiver
covering the 800-1000 MHz range which includes the 902-928 MHZ ISM band,
cell phones, and several other interesting bands.  The transmit power is
adjustable up to well over 20 dBm (100 mW).  It includes an ISM-band
filter for reducing interference which can be enabled by removing one
capacitor.  For operation outside of the ISM band, simply leave the
capacitor in place.

The DBWWHBC-Flex900 costs $250, and will begin shipping next Wednesday.
 You can order it from the standard web ordering page,


New Daughterboard Naming and Contest

While we have never claimed to own the word "Flex", we have recently
received a Cease and Desist letter from a company which believes it does
own it.  FlexRadio Systems, a maker of HF and VHF SDR equipment for
amateur radio, has "requested" that we completely discontinue the use of
the word "Flex".  Not wishing to fight this, we have decided to comply.

In order to choose a new name for the Flex-series of daughterboards, we
have decided to have a naming contest.  To enter, please send your
suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "Contest".  On April
30th, we will choose the best entry, and from then on, the boards will
be known by the new name.  The winner will receive one free Flex-series
(oops, said it again...) daughterboard of their choice.  All decisions
are final.

Just to clarify the naming system, we have created this handy chart:

Old Name        Interim Name       Final Name
========        ============       ==========
Flex400         DBFKA-Flex400      ????? 400
Flex900         DBWWHBC-Flex900    ????? 900
Flex2400        DBFKA-Flex2400     ????? 2400

Best of luck to all entrants!

TVRX Status

We have been able to locate a source of the tuner modules used in the
TVRX boards.  This will allow us to continue to provide TVRX boards
for the forseeable future.

Inventory Status

As of April 18th, all items are in stock except for the USRP
motherboard.  We expect to have USRP motherboards back in stock in early
May.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

American Express

By popular demand, we are now able to accept American Express credit
cards from the same web order page.  Simply enter the card info in the
fields provided.


Thank you,
Matt Ettus
President, Ettus Research LLC
+1 (650) 814-8943

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