On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 12:28:46PM +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to compile GNURadio on FreeBSD but once more auto* is making 
> things very difficult..
> Can anyone tell me how to decode/fix the following errors?
> I've tried deleting all copies of auto* and libtool and installing the 
> latest, as well as reinstalling the ports mentioned (xmms, libart, etc)
> Are the configure scripts in GNURadio for a specific version of auto*?
> If so, which ones? :)

>From gnuradio-core/README:

       autoconf 2.57    or later
       automake 1.7.4   or later
       libtool  1.5     or later
       swig     1.3.{23,24,25,27,28,29}

We work with a whole range of versions.  You just need to ensure
that a compatible set is installed on your system.  Most modern
systems come with something reasonable by default.


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