On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 12:45:24PM -0400, Achilleas Anastasopoulos wrote:
> I have some new data on this.
> Going from ANSI-C to C++ (NO Gnuradio) using
> STL vectors results in a 5-fold speed reduction!
> So Gnuradio seems to be responsible for the remaining
> 4-fold reduction (for an overall 20-fold as I reported earlier).
> I am OK with Gnuradio resulting in this 4-fold speed reduction,
> but I cannot swallow the fact that STL sucks that bad :-(  !!!
> I believe that this is not specific to my application, but should be 
> true for any algorithm that uses vectors/matrices.
> I wonder if anyone can corroborate this.
> Achilleas

Send the code ;)

What compiler command line options are you using?


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