On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 08:21:57PM -0500, Michael Ford wrote:
> Why are there almost no constructors defined in any of the usrp1.py classes?
> I was chugging along until I realized that most of the classes have no
> constructors. Should I be using the shared pointer classes?

[In the future please be sure to post these to the list, not directly to me.
Use the Reply-to-all command in your mail tool.]

First off, trying to read the machine generated code in usrp1.py is
a path to madness...  Don't go there.

>From the C++ point of view, they have constructors; they happen to be
protected or private.  The are only callable by their friend:
gr_make_foo for class gr_foo.  This hackery is required to ensure that
there are no non-boost::shared_ptr<gr_foo>'s floating around.  This
allows them to interact reasonably with Python's reference counting.
As a result we are able to store references to classes in both C++
data structures as well as in Python data structures without leaking
memory and/or having other object lifetime problems.

The way that we wrap the C++ with SWIG results in the gr_make_foo
function that returns a shared pointer being called automatically
instead of the protected constructor.  This all takes place

If you care about this level of detail (since you're still trying to
get your bearings, I suggest you avoid this), you might want to look
at how one of the more simple blocks are wrapped.  E.g.,

GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC is defined in
It's not supposed to be understandable ;)

You can generally ignore all this, even when writing new blocks.  
In that case, just follow the recipe in "How to write a new block".


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