Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that we have combined all the source
code repositories in to a new unified subversion system!

In addition we are running Trac, http://gnuradio.utah.edu/trac,
which provides a unified bug-tracker, wiki and subversion code

We've also restructured the entire build process in a way that removes
the need for things like ./checkout, ./for-all-dirs and ./buildit

Johnathan Corgan will be following up with details on the new build
system.  We think you'll like it.  There are bound to be a few rough
spots at first, so please bear with us, and let us know what's not
working ;)

I'd like to thank the following people and organizations for making this

  Matt Ettus for bugging me non-stop about Trac, and insisting that we
  make GNU Radio easier to build.

  Jay Lepreau and the folks at the University of Utah's Flux Research
  Group for providing expertise, the machine, net connection and
  industrial strength archiving.  For those of you unfamiliar with
  Flux and the Emulab - Network Emulation Testbed, take a look at
  http://www.emulab.net.  Their main networking testbed has about 300
  machines in a cluster.  What's particularly interesting from the GNU
  Radio point of view, is that they currently have about 20 machines
  scattered about with USRP's attached.  The USRP's have RFX-900
  daughterboards, and best of all, these machines can be used by _you_
  to perform wireless networking experiments.
  For information on Emulab, take a look their web site.  If you're
  interested in running wireless experiments on the testbed, there's
  already a GNU Radio project registered.  Talk to me and I can add
  you to the project.

  Finally, I want to thank Johnathan Corgan for kicking some serious
  ass making this all happen.  Johnathan has been handling the sys
  admin on the new machine, and is to blame for the restructuring of
  the build system ;)

For those of you who just want to dive in: create a new directory
and cd into it, then execute these commands:

  $ svn co http://gnuradio.utah.edu/svn/gnuradio/trunk gnuradio
  $ cd gnuradio
  $ ./bootstrap
  $ ./configure
  $ make && make check
  $ sudo make install

Regarding trac, we've got the bug tracker initialized, please feel
free to create "tickets" (bug reports / enhancement requests).

We still need to port the old usemod wiki pages to trac.  Any
volunteers?  It's pretty straight-forward, and I can provide details.
There is a "bulk load" command line tool to get them in.  Also, we
still need to create a guest account on the wiki to let folks edit.
The plan is to use CAPTCHAs (visual Turing tests) and let anonymous
folks edit, but that code's not in yet.

Committers, we'll need to set you up to be able to write to svn.  The
backend is using WebDAV with htdigest authentication.  We're lacking a
good GUI to do this now, so here's how it's going to work.  Send me a
pgp/gpg encrypted message with your preferred user name and a decent
password. (My keys are here http://comsec.com/pgp-keys.txt)
When we run out of things to do, we'll fix this problem, but for now,
we'll go with this.  If anybody can point us to code that already
handles this (in less than 2000 lines of code), please do.

Also, if you're not familiar with subversion -- particularly the best
practices for branching and merging, and the recommended format of
commit messages on merges -- please take a look at the docs:

The repo is laid out like this:


gnuradio/trunk corresponds to CVS head.  Please ensure that this code
always builds.  If you're working on a non-trivial change, it's a good
idea to create a new branch using svn copy, do the work on the branch,
and then merge it into trunk when it's stable.

If any of you have uncommitted code in a cvs checkout, please generate
a diff against cvs HEAD (or use the tag "SECOND_MIGRATION_2006_08_04)
and apply the diffs to svn.

That's it for now.  Look for Johnathan's detailed note a bit later.

Best wishes,

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