With these old tutorials, it's hard to determine what blocks I should or should not be using. I've been messing around with wxpython in my transmission code in order to visually aid with any problems that might arise. With Tune(), I'm able to see corresonding differences in the received signal strength based on what I set the center frequency to be. However, the files that I send are not picked up on the receiving side.

After setting up a GUI with wxpython, I think I can see why these files are not sending properly. It seems that no matter what I set the center frequency to, the window that I've attatched the modulator to always shows the output centered around 0Hz. I've been using gr.frequency_modulator_fc() for modulation, but upon looking at the header file, I see that the output is a complex signal at baseband. Furthermore, nothing in the modulation code leads me to believe that the center frequency I tune to has anything to do with the modulation itself. Is there another block I should be using to translate the signal to the RF?

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