Written wrote:

> I was wondering if there is any way to get all contemporary versions of
> gnuradio-essential code (gnuradio-core, gr-usrp, gr-wxgui, usrp) at any
> given time in its history.

Subversion allows one to specify a revision by date in the command line
arguments to svn checkout, diff, merge, etc.  So in general the answer
to your question is yes.

Unfortunately, due to the way we had to merge the contents of CVS from
sourceforge for gnuradio proper and the USRP code from
svnrepository.com, the gnuradio.org repository has transactions that are
out of order.  So using Subversion date-based revision arguments may
give inconsistent results if the date is prior to the recent creation of
gnuradio.org.  It will work fine, however, even with the older dates, if
you are just checking out USRP code or just checking out gnuradio proper

Johnathan Corgan

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