Michael Dickens wrote:

> DarwinPorts recently updated SDCC from 2.4.0 to 2.6.0 .  This works just
> as before on PPC MacOS X 10.4.7 (and now .8).  But (at least for me),
> 2.6.0 dies compiling usb_common.c in usrp/firmware/lib .  Reverting back
> to 2.4.0 does the trick.  Any other Intel-OSX users find this? - MLD
> ps> Looks like the 20" Intel-iMac has the same USB issue as the MacBook
> and Mac Pro ... LIBUSB finds only 1 interface, even though 3 are
> required.  I had hoped for functionality "out of the box", but on the
> positive side at least now I have  a platforms upon which to do my
> debugging ;)

Can you file a Trac ticket on this?  It would be good to have the
details above captured for future reference other than on the mailing list.

Maybe you could start a MacMini page on the Wiki?


Johnathan Corgan

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