I tested on my macbook with XCode 2.3. I installed libusb 0.1.12_0
with darwinports and got the latest GNURadio code. Starting the
benchmark_usb.py failed as before. So no luck here.

That's good to know ... I certainly won't update the MacBook Pro (MBP) to 2.4 just yet.

I've done more testing and am getting closer. I'll email again once I have a better handle one the actual issue(s). Right now, I can say with -certainty- that it's something to do with the USRP Firmware (generated file: .../usrp/firmware/src/usrp2/std.ihx ) and SDCC, but not LIBUSB; it might also involve XCode (gcc and related developer tools), but that relationship is not yet clearly defined. I'm trying to get access to the "working" MBP for further testing on its specific installed toolbase. More as the investigation continues. - MLD

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