On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 09:09:12AM -0400, Philip Balister wrote:

> The guy in the cubicle next to me says that it is possible to talk
> to a USRP from inside a vmware player using my USB1.1 patch for the
> USRP library. It is to early to tell if you can do anything useful
> from vmware, but he did successfully run the tx and rx programs.


> Hopefully, we can use this to test the patch to Eric and Matt's
> satisfaction. Their concerns center around moving a USRP between
> USB1.1 and USB2.0 hosts. I'm attaching the patch just in case anyone
> else would like to play with it.

Philip, the patch will need to handle to handle the cases where the
USRP is already powered up and then is plugged into a 1.1 port, and
later into a 2.0 port, and vice versa.  I suspect that taking a look
at the Cypress library source will provide a clue as to how to
proceed.  IIRC, there's an interrupt than can be enabled, that will
tell you when the speed changes.  It might be called something like
"HS<foo>" or some such.

> Philip


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