On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 01:54:17PM +0800, Jeremy Chew wrote:
> Hi,

> I tried the IP tunneling sample that came with GNU Radio which uses
> TUN/TAP. I used a Pentium M 1.6 GHz laptop with 480 MB RAM. I
> noticed that, when the IP tunneling is turned on, the CPU
> utilization averages about 69% and peaks around 93% even when I do
> not run any application using the IP tunnel.

The receiver is always running.

Try turning down the data rate with the -r <rate>  option.  It
defaults to 500kb/sec which may be too high for your system.

> This utilization is very high. Is it due to the GMSK algorithm? Is
> there any inefficiency in the IP tunneling program that is a
> significant cause of the high utilization?

It's the receiver.  Also note that _zero_ effort has been put into
tuning this code.  oprofile.sf.net is your friend.  patches welcome.


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