Title: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] reg: GNU RADIO BUILD PROBLEM
>The first issue, with the automake version, can be addressed in the
>Cygwin setup.exe program.  It should be offering you version 1.9.6.  If
>it is not, the mirror you selected must be out of date.

A cygcheck revealed the automake version as u indicated

autoconf                 3.3-1              OK
autoconf2.1              2.13-2             OK
autoconf2.5              2.60-1             OK
automake                 2-1                OK
automake1.10             1.10-1             OK
automake1.4              1.4p6-3            OK
automake1.5              1.5-1              OK
automake1.6              1.6.3-2            OK
automake1.7              1.7.9-2            OK
automake1.8              1.8.5-2            OK
automake1.9              1.9.6-1            OK
autossh                  1.4a-1             OK

>Check your $PATH variable to see if there is
>some other make program on your system that might be getting invoked.

>--Johnathan Corgan

I dont get what you are trying to say. I'm quite new to this. Hope you understand.

>Regarding the make issue, make sure the Cygwin setup.exe program is
>listing 3.81 as installed. 
>--Johnathan Corgan

>You might also try "make --version".  This should tell you if you are using
>GNU make and what version you have.

>-- Don W.
this's what i got....
$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
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