I've also built epydoc 3.0alpha3 and tried to generate documentation run it 
against ${PYSITELIB}/gnuradio. It produced a lot of documentation but it 
failed prior to finishing. There were a lot of warnings and the process 
failed in wxgui. 

If someone was successful in completing the conversion, perhaps it may be a 
good idea to make the documentation available as a package. I certainly would 
appreciate it.


cheerio Berndt

On Tuesday 28 November 2006 04:01, Mamoru Yamamoto wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Yesterday I re-installed the "epydoc" from the subversion
> repository of epydoc, and tried formatting the GNUradio
> python libraries.  epydoc version would be 3.0, I suppose.
> The result was much better than before.  Though I met
> some errors, I could generate useful HTMLs with which I can
> browse python functions.  Thanks for Eric's suggestion.
> I also learned that after "import" any module in python,
> we can show its help information by typing "help(module)".
> Sorry I am too ignorant to this software package.
> Regards,
> ----
> Mamoru Yamamoto  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Eric,
> >
> >Thank you for your answer.
> >
> >For our applicaion 150MHz and 400MHz receivers must synchronize
> >very precisely.  I cannot use TV RX for this reason.  Is the
> >frequency 150MHz too high for Basic RX board?  We may need
> >to add more amplifiers between the antenna and the USRP.
> >
> >Thank you very much for the information of "epydoc".
> >I installed ver 2.1 from yum (Fedore Core 4), and run it.
> >But as other E-mail says, I got many errors.  It created
> >some results, but I do not know if they are very useful
> >or not...  Should I use Ver 3.0 of the epidoc?
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Mamoru Yamamoto
> >
> >>On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 03:30:28AM +0900, Mamoru Yamamoto wrote:
> >>> Dear GNUradio experts,
> >>>
> >>> I am very new to GNUradio.  I am in Kyoto University, Japan studying
> >>> ionosphere by using radar and other techniques.  I am interested
> >>> in developing a 150/400MHz beacon receiver with GNUradio + USRP.
> >>> Now I have a USRP base board + Basic RX + Flex 400 for this purpose.
> >>
> >>OK.
> >>
> >>A TV RX daughterboard might be a better choice for the 150 MHz beacon.
> >>
> >>> I have some questions.
> >>>
> >>> --- How I can get information on Python functions?
> >>>     Documents generated by "doxygen" explain only
> >>>     C++ part of the software.  (Am I correct?)
> >>>     To know Python functions, do I need to read through
> >>>     codes?  I would like to know if there is a list
> >>>     or man-pages of such Python functions.  My application
> >>>     may not require any new C++ coding.
> >>
> >>You could run epydoc on the python code in and under gnuradio-
> core/src/python.
> >>Most of the code has epydoc doc strings.
> >>
> >>> --- I learned GNUradio and USRP from network very much.
> >>>     Thank you very much.  But informations are very much
> >>>     scattered.  Don't you have a plan of GNUradio (plus USRP) book?
> >>
> >>We've thought about it.  Thanks for the words of encouragement.
> >>
> >>> Thanks for your help.  Regards,
> >>>
> >>> Mamoru Yamamoto  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>You're welcome.
> >>
> >>Eric
> >
> >----
> >Mamoru Yamamoto  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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