On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 03:12:34PM +0800, Jeremy Chew wrote:
> Thanks again. This information really helps.
> This may sound like a silly question: If the packets are SWIG-wrapped, am I 
> right that this means I need to use SWIG to handle them in the C++ 
> extension? This is an important question to me as I am not familiar with 
> Jeremy


I keep getting the feeling that "you are not doing your homework."

There is good documentation on SWIG at www.swig.org.

You have all of the GNU Radio code in front of you.

It seems rather foolish to attempt to extend GNU Radio in a
non-standard way without understanding the "how" or "why" of the
standard (known to work!) method.


You continue down the same path even though I pointed out in one of my
last messages to you that the code in the trunk supports calling back
from C++ into Python using the gr_feval* classes.

If you don't take advantage of information that people give you, why
would you expect them to give you more?


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