On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 10:03:40PM -0500, Eric A. Cottrell wrote:
> Bob McGwier wrote:
> > I understand the need and/or desire to do this natively but we really
> > want to be doing cross platform for this target.  256 MB is not enough
> > for these large compiles.
> > 
> > 
> > DO NOT get on Terra's  Yellow Dog pre-installed PS3 list if you have not
> > already done so.   They have taken the $100 with no guarantee and they
> > will not even hazard a guess as to a delivery date.   I did not save a
> > single dime since I could have download FC5 and IBM Cell SDK2.0 for free
> > and done the install myself and purchased the thing from Fry's or
> > elsewhere.   IBM has a step by step procedure for doing the Linux
> > install on their web site.  Myriad videos doing disk drive upgrades,
> > etc. are on YouTube.    I am not pleased with Terra AT ALL.  People are
> > able to get one and leave the store from Fry's and do the install
> > themselves.  I do not want to wait until March so I am going to use an
> > extra lever I have that most people do not have (think of it as the fake
> > wheel chair person going to the head of the line at Disney World and you
> > will understand) but this is good for one only.
> > 
> > Bob
> Hello Bob,
> Thanks for the information.  I had questions on how to install linux on
> the thing.  Alot easier than the XBox.
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/power/library/pa-linuxps3-1/
> The web page indicates the video options may be limited.  No VGA and the
> HDMI requires monitors with HCP.

There appear to be some HDMI to DVI cables available.  I've ordered
one, but it hasn't come yet.

> Likely Terra is low on the allocation list since they are not a major
> game retailer.
> 73 Eric


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