On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 10:07:46PM -0500, David I. Emery wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 02:10:59PM -0800, Eric Blossom wrote:
> > Also, although we've been talking about USB, I'm hoping to use what we
> > come up with in this conversation for the Gigabit ethernet interface
> > too.  So far, the main difference I see is that ethernet packets are
> > variable length.
>       Does this imply strictly a layer 2 phys interface with a unique
> Ethernet packet type (and header code) or some varient on UDP (eg proper IP
> packets more or less, but without TCP or flow control/ retransmit).

I'm thinking layer 2 with a unique Ethernet packet type (probably use
some abandoned packet type).  That said, there's nothing stopping us
from doing UDP, except the additional bandwidth.  I don't see any need
to do TCP.

I think we can take advantage of Gigabit Ethernet's flow control
mechanism (pause frames).


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