Robert McGwier wrote:

There is a multiplier circuit/ PLL in the DBS-RX. Whatever phase noise is coming from the oscillator is being multiplied considerably by this upconversion to be used at LO in the DBS-RX. You cannot get low phase noise oscillators and high performance mixers in that small a package. Together these considerations imply more power and territory and thermal control than is available with the DBS-RX.


Indeed, the target application space of the MAX2118 (satellite TV), upon which DBS_RX is based, has relatively sloppy
 phase-noise requirements.

Marcus Leech                            Mail:   Dept 1A12, M/S: 04352P16
Security Standards Advisor        Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Strategic Standards
Nortel Networks                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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